Getting ready for the upcoming swimsuit season, also thanks to the technology!

Despite the not real spring-like temperatures, the warm weather is just around the corner and it means that it is now time for the dreaded swimsuit season.
More than ever, it is time to face problems like the cellulite, an arduous enemy to defeat, which torments our thoughts as sunny days arrive.

The truth is that cellulite, as well as other blemishes that annoy us especially before wearing again our swimsuit, can be alleviated with a series of expedients like, for example, improving our water intake, our regular physical activity and, of course, resorting to some professional aesthetic body treatments.


Among them, for sure, anti-cellulite and draining treatments should be considered.

The first ones reduce inflammation of subcutaneous tissues at the surface level, the others help to stimulate the lymphatic microcirculation, thus helping the body to get rid of excess waste and fluid.

As body method, Elits Group offers 4 professional devices: eCosmo, eMotion, SlimPAct and PressoEvo. All high-performance equipment, each one with specific features and technologies and each one ( but differently) is ideal for combating the most common blemishes we are so concerned about, especially in view of to the swimsuit season.




In addition to aesthetic treatments related to Made In Italy technologies, in order to reactivate both the metabolism and the microcirculation and eliminating excess fat, it is advisable to drink plenty of water throughout the day and to constantly play any physical activity (walking, running, gym, etc.). Besides, it is essential to try following a lighter and more balanced diet, without which it will be difficult to achieve the desired body shape.

It seems that getting in shape for summer is not an easy task, but nothing is impossible: it takes perseverance, commitment and willpower! In addition, of course, also technologies of the latest aesthetic devices play their role so yes definitely, getting in shape for summer is our “mission possible”! Shall we start?


Elits Group S.r.l.
Headquarters: Via Che Guevara, 26/C
60022 Castelfidardo (AN) Italy

Phone: +39 (0)71 7206739

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