360° Professional Training

Elits Group invests in the innovation and quality of its products. Both the development of the cosmetic line and the devices have efficacy and security as priorities. For this reason, we achieved several certifications in quality standard and we developed the products entirely in Italy (100% Made in Italy Certification by the Institute for the Protection of Italian Manufacturers), where we can control every step of the production. All this requires a deep trust in the training of professionals, whom contribute to create the final product. We believe that their same know-how and professionalism are characteristics of every passage which bring the Elits technology until the final client. For this reason, the company activates professional training courses focused on many different topics, helping the professional in a perfect way with the customer relation. We give classes which range from specific techniques of aesthetic improvement and studies of each single blemish and so technologies and methods efficiently combined to the professional communication aimed at understanding and guiding customers’ needs, in order to establish with them a relationship of mutual trust, through the best personalized path.
Our training courses are given by a professional affirmed in its sector and they are designed to treat exhaustively the topic and to provide all the instruments – both know-how and skills – necessary to face, together with the client, its blemishes. We are sure that this approach is the best way to be close to our sector operators who choose us and to guarantee customers’ satisfaction and safety; for us, it is an essential added value.

Corsi di formazione per centri estetici Marche - Elits Group


Our absolute priorities are security and quality and for this reason we are proud of all our certifications which assure the well-being of people who use these devices.


Company certifications

Devices certifications

Elits Group S.r.l.
Headquarters: Via Che Guevara, 26/C
60022 Castelfidardo (AN) Italy

Phone: +39 (0)71 7206739
e-mail: info@elitsgroup.it
e-mail: commerciale@elitsgroup.it

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